To The Brink Of War

Cold War Crisis: Reason Averts Nuclear Catastrophe

The Man Who Saved The World is a riveting 22-minute film that reveals how, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, a level-headed Russian submarine commander—supported by insights from key military figures—averted a nuclear confrontation that could have forever altered global history.

The Man Who Saved The World: A Cold War Tale

To The Brink Of War is preserved as the film The Man Who Saved The World, a riveting depiction of a critical moment during the Cold War when the world stood on the edge of nuclear conflict between its two superpowers. Concealed from public view for over forty years, this tense undersea narrative delves into the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962—a period when the fate of humanity hinged on a single act of rational leadership.

In this twenty-two-minute film, a level-headed Russian Submarine Squadron Commander emerges as the unlikely hero who averted disaster at a time of extreme tension. Featuring insights from renowned U.S. submarine captains, a U.S. naval commander, a Cold War Russian submariner, and a noted historian, The Man Who Saved The World weaves together multiple perspectives to illuminate this cautionary tale and underscore the enduring impact of reason under pressure.

Video still from youTube video of  The Man Who Saved the World. When clicked will play video on youTube.
The Man Who Saved the World – When clicked, video will play from youTube Servers

Copyright Maritime Museum of San Diego