Mains’l Haul

A Journal of Pacific Maritime History

Mains’l Haul, established in 1964, is a peer-reviewed journal exploring the Pacific’s maritime heritage. Each issue focuses on a single topic, featuring interdisciplinary research and insights, with articles indexed for global access.

Published since 1964, Mains’l Haul is the only peer-reviewed North American journal devoted to the Pacific’s maritime heritage. Each richly illustrated issue is devoted to a single topic related to the Pacific’s past. Our mission is to encourage the interdisciplinary study of the Pacific’s rich heritage, while providing readers with public history produced to professional standards. In the pages of Mains’l Haul, contributions by established scholars, students and amateur scholars alike, share insights from their research in several disciplines. Articles are abstracted and indexed by the Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life online services and in the Mains’l Haul Index (see below) for the benefit of researchers worldwide.

Mains’l Haul’s Editorial Board

These distinguished scholars guide Mains’l Haul’s overall direction and help define its purpose. Peer reviewers are drawn from among them, and from scholars worldwide who can expertly assess the specific subject matter of individual articles we receive.

  • Raymond Ashley, Ph.D. President/CEO Maritime Museum of San Deigo
  • Jim Cassidy, Ph.D. U.S. Navy, Civilian (Ret.)
  • Stephen Colston, Ph.D. San Diego State University, Emeritus
  • Iris W. Engstrand, Ph.D. University of San Diego, Emerita
  • Kale B. Fajardo, Ph.D. University of Minnesota
  • Mark G. Hanna, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego
  • Carla Rahn Phillips, Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Emerita
  • Alex Roland, Ph.D. Duke University, Emeritus
  • Timothy Runyan, Ph.D. East Carolina University
  • Paula De Vos, Ph.D. San Diego State University

Purchase the latest Mains’l Haul

Vol. 58 Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall 2023
Price includes Shipping (within U.S.) - $25.95.

Click here to order
Cover photo of Mains'l Haul - issue of Traditional Pacific Voyaging. This issue is for sale.

Mains’l Haul has covered thousands of topics during its fifty years of publication. Issues can be purchased at the Museum store or online.

Mains’l Haul – Author Guidelines

The articles we seek must be more than simply factually accurate – they must be of interest to readers of many backgrounds worldwide, and should make compelling reading.

Mains’l Haul (ISSN# 1540-3386) welcomes submissions from professional and amateur scholars and students alike. We encourage the widest variety of perspectives on the Pacific’s rich heritage, whether historical, archaeological, anthropological, or art-historical, and we also seek unpublished first-person accounts of important events.

In advance of sending in your article, the editor suggests you send a query letter or email an outline of your article and photo samples with a CV. When your article is requested for consideration:

  • Articles should be 3,000 words (or less) in length, plus footnotes, must contain previously unpublished research, and must be written to engage both general and scholarly readers.
  • We request that authors follow our “house style” of documentation (based on The Chicago Manual of Style) to ensure consistency.
  • Illustrations are welcome in high resolution (600 dpi) scans on a CD.
  • We welcome electronically submitted articles (12 point, double-spaced) in MS Word. Since all articles are peer-reviewed prior to publication, if possible, please email your submission, or mail a hard copy along with a CD version.
  • If you would like your material returned after review, please enclose an SAE, otherwise it will remain on file for further consideration.

To submit your article, or questions, please contact Kevin Sheehan: Click here to send email.

Mains’l Haul – Errata

Believe it or not, even peer-reviewed journals make mistakes. Because Mains’l Haul’s format does not lend itself to including letters to the editor, we attempt to excerpt your comments here. Please contact us: Click here to send email.

Horrors! Especially observant readers will have detected the following errors in past issues:
On pages 14 and 15 of the Summer/Fall 2004 issue, MEDEA & The Classic Steam Yachts, the photo identified asVenetia is actually Nahlin on San Diego Bay in the 1930s.

On page 34 of the Winter 2005 issue, The Kettenburgs: San Diego Yacht Builders, Tom Kettenburg points out that the boat repair division was incorrectly identified as a significant source of revenue for the company. In fact, it was seldom very profitable at all. Charlie Underwood, Jr., points out that the same article fails to mention that his father, a partner in the Kettenburg firm, was very much involved in the layout and design of their postwar sailboats.

On page 15 of the Fall/Winter 2006, Spain’s Legacy in the Pacific, we apologize to author Greg Bankoff, noting that he is Associate Professor in the School of Asian Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

In The Last Days of Fishing, V.44, No.1&2, Winter/Spring 2008, pg. 63, the authors are son Otto Kiessig and grandson Russell Kiessig (not the son of Frank K. as stated in the Editor’s note).

In A Century of Submarines in San Diego, V.50:3&4, Summer/Fall 2014, on pg 57, right column (SSN-751) is incorrect. It should read (SSN-679). On pg 83, Lt. Commander O.H. Payne is incorrectly referred to – LCDR R. D. Quinn was the Commanding Officer of Perch and awarded the Bronze Star.

In Empires of the Wind, V. 53, nos. 1-4 (2017) on pg. 39, the photograph of the San Salvador was taken by MMSD volunteer photographer George Adkins, and not as the caption states, Jerry Soto.

We hope to add very little to this section in the future.