Research and Reproduction

The privileges of checking out books, ships’ plans, and audio-visual materials in the lending collection are reserved primarily for Maritime Museum members.  Our collections are open to the public for research by appointment.  Please consult the contact page for further information.
Over the years students, scholars, family historians, and maritime aficionados have utilized the museum collections for private study and publication.  For an indication of some of the research that has been conducted, CLICK HERE.


Digital copies of most of our photos may also be obtained from the library and archives.  Various reproduction restrictions apply.  A list of prices for reproductions is available by contacting the librarian.  You may also CLICK HERE to download a copy of our prices and policies.  A completed permissions form must accompany all requests. CLICK HERE to download a copy.
A limited number of photocopies may be ordered through the librarian.  The cost is 50 cents per copy.  Requests for copies are normally fulfilled within one calendar month.