Number of negatives: 560
Number of positives: 10
Size: most are 5″x7″
Date of collection: Early 20th Century
Themes and Subjects:
- Veracruz
- Veracruz Port
- Arizona
- Hadsell Family
- Mexico D. F.
- Jalisco Mexico
- Tlalpajahua Michoacan Mexico
- Guanajuato Mexico
- Lake Chapala
- El Oro
- Chiapas Mexico
- Alameda
- Texas City
- Grand Canyon
3 Negatives are broken.
1 Positive is broken.
Original numbering provided by the Hadsell Studio:
3-4; 8; 13; 17-18; 26; 59; 66; 79; 84; 87; 91; 122; 127; 130-131; 151; 159; 183; 213; 220-221; 223; 227; 234; 251-254; 291; 364; 415; 418; 421; 424-436; 470; 547; 566; 593; 604-605; 670; 678; 708; 742-743; 906; 910; 912; 951; 974; 984; 1303-1308; 1315-1316; 1351-1352; 1438-1443; 1503-1504; 1582; 1598-1599; 1674; 1677-1678; 1697; 1861-1863; 2046-2047; 2107-2108; 2224; 2228-2231; 2236-2237; 2240-2242; 2246; 2257; 2261-2266; 2268; 2270-2272; 2276-2278; 2281-2282; 2285-2288; 2293-2296; 2305-2306; 2309; 2313; 2315; 2322-2323; 2330; 2353-2354; 2360-2363; 2366; 2370; 2372; 2376; 2385; 2399-2408; 2410; 2412; 2420-2422; 2424; 2351-2352; 2435-2444; 2447; 2451-2455; 2459; 2462; 2466; 2475-2480; 2483; 2492-2493; 2495; 2497; 2500; 2502; 2504; 2506; 2509; 2516; 2521; 2526; 2531; 2542; 2562; 2565; 2567; 2576-2577; 2582-2583; 2585; 2587; 2591-2595; 2598; 2603; 2605; 2607; 2609; 2612; 2620-2621; 2631; 2633-2654; 2636; 2640; 2644; 2647; 2663; 2681; 2683; 2699; 2701-2702; 2716-2717; 2722-2724; 2726; 2730-2733; 2741; 2751; 2761; 2762; 2766-2767; 2770-2778; 2788-2790; 2793-2795; 2798; 2800; 2803; 2805; 2807; 2809; 2811; 2825; 2830-2832; 2840; 2863; 2867-2868; 2877-2882; 2885-2889; 2896; 2899; 2903; 2911-2913; 2919; 2934; 2943; 2952; 2953-2956; 2962; 2966; 2971; 2977; 2979-2980; 2982; 2984-2985; 2991-2997; 3002-3003; 3010-3012; 3018-3022; 3024; 3028; 3036; 3040-3041; 3045-3051; 3053; 3055; 3060-3062; 3067; 3072-3073; 3075; 3077-3080; 3083; 3085; 3088; 3090; 3092; 3161; 5300-5306; 3553; 4156.
Hadsell Biography
The American photographer Walter E. Hadsell was born in the 1880s. Following graduation from the University of Arizona in 1904, he worked in the Henry Beuhman Photography Studio in Tuscon, Arizona. The studio is described in one source as “Photographers and dealers in Arizona views, moldings, and picture frames.” Hadsell lived in Mexico during the years 1910s and 1920s. In 1914 he documented the United States’ intervention in Veracruz, know as the Veracruz Incident.
Intervention in Veracruz
On April 9. 1914, several sailors from the crew of the ship USS Dolphin that was anchored in a restricted dock area in Tampico Mexico, were arrested for an hour and a half by Mexican authorities. President Woodrow Wilson demanded an apology from the Mexican government. However the president of Mexico, Victoriano Huerta, refused to grant any apology for the sailors’ arrest. In response, the president of United States sent a fleet to the Gulf of Mexico, and occupied the port of Veracruz.
Maritime themes in the Hadsell Collection
The following selection of photographs highlight the maritime themes found in the Hadsell Collection. Numbers preceeded by “P” refer to the Maritime Museum of San Diego’s catalog number. This is followed by the original numbering provided by Hadsell.
- German Cruiser Bremen (P-18,118; Hadsell-N-2278)
- U.S.S. Louisiana (P-18,142; Hadsell-N-2363)
- German Steamer Corcovado (P-18,200; Hadsell-N-2509)
- U.S.S. Rhode Island (P-18,217: Hadsell-N-2594)
- U.S.S. New Jersey (P-18,229; Hadsell-N-2634)
- U.S.S. Dolphin (P-18,258; Hadsell-N-2770)
- U.S.S. Michigan (P-18,136; Hadsell-N-2330)
- U.S.S. San Francisco (P-18,368; Hadsell-N-316)
- Spanish Steamer Alfonso XIII (P-18,160; Hadsell-N-242)
- U.S.S. Tacoma (P-18,161; Hadsell-N-242)
- H.M.S. Suffolk (P-18,264; Hadsell-N-2777)
- U.S.S. Chester (P-18,266; Hadsell-N-2778)
- French Cruiser Conde (P-18,273; Hadsell-N-2798)
Scenes of Veracruz
- Logo de Chapala (P-18,014; Hadsell-N-127)
- Shell Road Drive (P-18,037; Hadsell-N-425)
- Drive in Front of Northrop (P-18,040; Hadsell-N-430)
- Statue of Zamora Veracruz (P-18,166; Hadsell-N-2352)
- 18th Batallion Veracruz (P-18,180; Hadsell-N-2454)
- Alameda de los Cocos Veracruz (P-18,331; Hadsell-N-3010)
- Entrance to Alameda (P-18,377; Hadsell-N-4156)