Historical Maritime Documents Collection

MacMullen Library & Research Archives

Processed by Joseph Cottingham

Maritime Museum of San Diego
1492 N. Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101-3309
Phone: (619) 234-9153
Fax: (619) 234-8345
E-mail: librarian@sdmaritime.org

Descriptive Summary

State of Massachusetts, Custom House of Bristol, New Hampshire Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Martinson Lentz, California Steam Navigation Company, Southern Dispatch Line, R. E. Raimond & Company, Ephraim W. Morse, Mark Goods: S.S.C., Pacific Mail Steamship Company, Los Angeles Corral of The Westerners, Metropolitan Steamship Company, John Closson, Pacific Coast Steamship Company, Central Pacific Railroad Company, California Navigation and Improvement Company, Thomas Bowling, William H. Swan, American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, United States Department of Commerce, Benson Lumber Company and Benson Timber Company

Historical Maritime Documents Collection, 18th through 20th Century

1 archival box, containing 39 items

MacMullen Library & Research Archives
Maritime Museum of San Diego


Administrative Information

Collection is open for research

Acquisition Information
The collection items were received by the Maritime Museum of San Diego from unknown donors on unknown dates.

Historical Note:
Short historical notes are contained within the finding aid where applicable as information was available. Each note is set forth in the item level description as a block paragraph.

Scope and content:
Historical Maritime Documents Collection, dated 18th through 20th century, consists of a chandler transaction log and items associated with the movement of freight and passengers on the east and west coasts of the United States, which include vessel passage documents, freight insurance documents, shipping orders, bills of lading, freight receipts, payment received documents, personal correspondence, company stationary samples and ephemera.

Organization and Arrangement
The collection is arranged chronologically within the following series:
Series I – Foreign Log Books
Series II – East Coast Vessel Passage Documents, Freight Insurance, Bill of Lading and Shipping Receipts
Series III – West Coast Shipping Receipts, Bill of Lading and Freight Orders
Series IV – Correspondence
Series V – Licenses and Certificates
Series VI – Company Stationary and Check Samples
Series VII – Ephemera

Container List
A0236.1 Series I – Foreign Log Books (1719-1721)
Title: Chandler Transaction Log dated 1719-1721
Creator: unknown
Description: handwritten log divided into columns of entries by date, description of goods or transaction, quantity and cost. The entries correspond to a person, ship or ship’s captain.
Extent: 1 handwritten paper document with sewn binding (90 pages), physical dimensions measure 39 x 16 cm.

A0236.2 Series II – East Coast Vessel Passage Documents, Freight Insurance, Bill of Lading and Shipping Receipts (1812-1886)
Title: District of Bristol: Port of Bristol: Vessel Passage Document dated 1812, March 5
Creator: Custom House of Bristol, District of Bristol (Connecticut)
Description: passage document certifies that Stephen Hammond, master or commander of the Schooner Olive of Bristol an American built vessel of 113 tons, with no guns and seven crew with merchandise and stores for the voyage is cleared for passage to Martanizes (Martinique)
Extent: 1 handwritten paper document (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 34 cm.

Title: New Hampshire Fire and Marine Insurance Company No. 2161: Policy #108 for Elisha Whidden dated 1820, January 3
Creator: New Hampshire Fire and Marine Insurance Company
Description: an insurance policy with a recovery value of $1,660.00 on individual Elisha Whidden and recovery value of $1,200.00 on personal freight from the Port of Charleston to the port of discharge and insurance with a recovery value of $5,000.00 on the vessel (commanded by John Winkley) and recovery value of $3,000.00 on freight until landed
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 38 x 26 cm.

Title: By the President of the United States: Vessel Passage Document dated 1829, December 23, signed by President Andrew Jackson
Creator: State of Massachusetts, District of Boston and Charlestown
Archival History: the vessel passage document was collected by Charles Avvampato and donated by his son (2009.011)
Description: passage document allowing the vessel Flavius Charles Hunt (296 tons), which belongs to United States citizen(s) to navigate freely with 15 men, passengers, goods and merchandise
Extent: 1 handwritten parchment document (1 page), physical dimensions measure 38 x 29 cm.

Title: Metropolitan Steamship Company Shipping Receipt dated 1875, March 10
Creator: Metropolitan Steamship Company

The Metropolitan Steamship Company operated from 1866 through 1911 and provided freight and passenger service between Boston and New York City. The company operated side-wheel steamships during the 1870s but soon progressed to steam turbine power plants. During the early 1900s the steamships Harvard and Yale were two of the fastest vessels under an American flag. After 1910 the Harvard and Yale were used along the Pacific coast to provide ferry service between San Francisco and Los Angeles. [De La Pedraja Tomán, René, A Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Merchant Marine and Shipping Industry: Since the Introduction of Steam. Greenwood Publishing Group, (1994).]

Description: Metropolitan Steamship Company receipt in the amount of $3.30 for freight shipped from New York to Boston onboard the Steamer Glaucus
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 11 x 22 cm.

Title: Bill of Lading dated 1886, October 09
Creator: Ships Master John Closson
Description: shipping receipt for freight (lumber) shipped onboard the Schooner R. Woodruff from Bangor (Maine) to an unknown port
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 12 x 22 cm.

A0236.3 Series III – West Coast Shipping Receipts, Bill of Lading and Freight Orders (1850-1902)
Title: Receipt for Passage aboard the S.S. Panama dated 1850, November 4
Creator: Martinson Lentz, Purser, Steamer Panama
Description: a paper receipt of passage for “self and one man” from Monterey to San Diego aboard the S.S. Panamain the amount of $75.00
Extent: 1 handwritten paper document (1 page), physical dimensions measure 13 x 20 cm.

Title: California Steam Navigation Co. Received Payment Receipt dated 1858, July 18
Creator: California Steam Navigation Co.

California Steam Navigation Company began operations in 1854. Initially, the company provided limited ferry service in the harbor and rivers surrounding San Francisco. Once gold was discovered in British Columbia the company began to provide coastal service from San Francisco to Victoria and Puget Sound. [Newell, Gordan and Williamsom, Joe. Daily Alta California: Pacific Coastal Liners, 1959, The Maritime Heritage Project, “Shipping Lines: California Steam Navigation Company” [summary], 1998-2008. http://www.maritimeheritage.org/ships/shippingLines.html (accessed January 21, 2009).]

Description: California Steam Navigation Company receipt for payment received in the amount of $5.25 from D & C Company to ship freight onboard the Steamship Senator
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page) physical dimensions measure 10 x 18 cm.

Title: Shipping Order for Items transported aboard the Schooner Sarah Louise dated 1863, October 24
Creator: Southern Dispatch Line for Santa Barbra, San Pedro and San Diego, office located in San Francisco
Description: shipping document for materials (flour, sugar, tobacco, tea, potatoes, onions, rope, boots, etc.) shipped by Breed & Chase onboard the Schooner Sarah Louise commanded by J. H. Bruce from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 copy of a printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 20 x 28 cm.

Title: Shipping Order for Items transported aboard the Schooner Sarah Louise dated 1863, October 26
Creator: Southern Dispatch Line for Santa Barbra, San Pedro and San Diego, office located in San Francisco
Description: shipping document for materials (whiskey, bake dry goods, tobacco, brooms, stove pipe, etc) shipped by Breed & Chase onboard the Schooner Sarah Louise commanded by J. H. Bruce from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 20 x 28 cm.

Title: Shipping Order for Items aboard the Steamship Senator dated 1864, February 27
Creator: R. E. Raimond & Company, General Shipping and Commission Merchants
Description: shipping document for materials (shoes) shipped by R. E. Raimond & Company onboard the SteamshipSenator commanded by J. S. Butters from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 copy of a printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 29 x 24 cm.

Title: Shipping Order for Items aboard the Steamship Senator dated 1864, July 10
Creator: R. E. Raimond & Company, General Shipping and Commission Merchants
Description: shipping document for materials (coffee, sugar, dry goods, tobacco, leather, etc.) shipped by R. E. Raimond & Company onboard the Steamship Senator commanded by J. S. Butters from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 copy of a printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 28 x 23 cm.

Title: Bill of Lading (shipping order) dated 1866, March 23
Creator: E. W. Morse (Ephraim W. Morse), local merchant and deputy sheriff of San Diego in 1866
Description: bill of lading document for materials (flour, barley, potatoes, coffee, beans, coffee, etc) shipped by E. W. Morse onboard the Sloop General Grant commanded by H. Grant from San Diego to San Ysidro, Lower California (Mexico)
Extent: 1 handwritten paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 21 x 13 cm.

Title: Shipping Order for Items aboard the Steamship Pacific, dated 1866, August 07
Creator: unknown Purser
Description: shipping document for materials (keg powder, barley, flour, steel, iron, coffee, horse shoes, candles, etc) shipped by Breed & Chase onboard the Steamship Pacific (no master named) from San Francisco to San Diego for E. W. Morse
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 28 x 23 cm.

Title: Shipping Receipt for Items aboard the Steamship Pacific, dated 1866, August 11
Creator: unknown Purser (form created by Towne & Bacon Printers, San Francisco)
Description: a paper receipt to ship 382 packages and 25 kegs of powder from San Diego aboard the SteamshipPacific (no master named) in the amount of $341.50
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 22 cm.

Title: Shipping Receipt for A. E. Hinton to S. S. Culverwell, dated 1868, October 3
Creator: Mark Goods: S.S.C., San Diego, CA

William Jorres formed a partnership with S. S. Culverwell and built the Culverwell & Jorres Wharf, situated at the foot of F Street. This was the first wharf built in New San Diego. [Van Dyke, Theodore S. “San Diego-San Francisco-El Dorado County CA Archives Biographies: Jorres, William” California USGenWeb Archives Project, by: Joy Fisher, February 21, 2006. http://files.usgwarchives.net/ca/sandiego/bios/jorres579bs.txt (accessed January 21, 2008).]

Description: shipping receipt for materials (miscellaneous loads, nails, pipe, sash doors, etc) shipped by A. E. Hinton to San Diego
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 22 cm.

Title: Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company Shipping Receipt, dated 1872, November 12
Creator: Pacific Mail Steamship Company

The Pacific Mail Steamship Company was founded in 1848 by William Aspinwall of the firm of Howland and Aspinwall to execute a contract to carry mail from the Isthmus of Panama to the newly-annexed territory of California. Fortuitously for Aspinwall and his fellow investors, Pacific Mail was ideally positioned to cash in on the Gold Rush of 1849. As a result of this and the high quality of its service, the company became both an important part of the history of the American West as well as one of the most profitable enterprises of its era, with an annual return on investment that ran as high as 30%. Within five years of its inception, the company was running 18 steamers and it peaked at 23 in 1869. In that year, however, the completion of the transcontinental railroad foretold the end of the high profits of the Panama-California route. [The Ships List: The Fleets, (2007). http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/lines/pacificmail.htm (accessed January 21, 2009.)]

Description: Pacific Mail Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials shipped by Drake & Emerson onboard the Steamer Orizaba from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries and 2 copies (3 pages), physical dimensions measure 21 x 30 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt, dated 1879, June 5
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company

Pacific Coast Steamship Company (1877-1916), located in San Francisco was the dominant firm in the coastwise traffic along the West Coast of the US and to Alaska. The company originated as San Francisco Bay operation carrying water to ships in the harbor from springs in the upper reaches of the bay. The Pacific Coast SS Company proper began in 1877 and eventually attracted the attention of investors from the eastern US, but the intense competition that developed following the Alaska gold rush kept profits down, and the shareholders used the excuse of a fire on the company’s largest ship in 1916 to sell the company to Hubbard F. Alexander, who merged it into his Admiral Line. [McMillian, Joe. “The House of Flags of U. S. Shipping Companies P.” FOTW Flags of the World, (2007). http://flagspot.net/flags/us~hfpa.html#pacificcoastal (accessed January 21, 2009).]

Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (unknown) shipped by Harbison & Dowling of Portland onboard the Steamer Orizaba from San Diego to San Francisco
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 21 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt, dated 1879, June 6
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (unknown) shipped by Harbison & Dowling onboard the Steamer State of California from San Francisco to Portland
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 21 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt: No. 109, dated 1880, October 19
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (wool) shipped for Steiner, Klauber & Company onboard the Steamer Orizaba from San Diego to San Francisco
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 14 x 12 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt: No. 112, dated 1880, October 28
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (honey) shipped for Steiner, Klauber & Company onboard the Steamer Orizaba from San Diego to San Francisco
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 14 x 12 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt: No. 119, dated 1880, November 17
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (honey) shipped for Steiner, Klauber & Company onboard the Steamer Orizaba from San Diego to San Francisco
Extent: 1 copy of a printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 14 x 12 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt, dated 1881, December 28
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (unknown) shipped onboard the Steamer Ancon from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 21 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt, dated 1882, May 9
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (honey) shipped for Nugent & O’Neal Company onboard the Steamer Orizaba from San Francisco to San Diego for delivery to E. W. Morse
Extent: 1 copy of a printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 21 x 11 cm.

Title: Expense Bill: To Central Pacific R.R. Company Steamers, dated 1882, July 28
Creator: Central Pacific Railroad Company

The Central Pacific Railroad Company (CPRR) partnered with the Union Pacific Railroad to build a transcontinental railway across America. It was completed on May 10, 1869. The CPRR was more than just a railway company it operated and leased steamships as well from the 1860s through the 1880s. The CPRR steamships facilitated the movement of freight and equipment over river, delta and numerous San Francisco Bay routes in Northern California including Sacramento to San Francisco. The Steamer Solano was one of the largest paddle-wheel steamers, over 400 feet in length. The Solano could move train engines and freight cars as well as passengers. [Harris, Robert L. “From Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum.” (2008). http://cprr.org/Museum/Solano/index.html (accessed January 21, 2009).]

Description: Central Pacific Railroad Company expense bill for shipping materials (tools) from Sacramento to San Francisco paid by J. D. Case, Agent
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 13 x 20 cm.

Title: California Navigation and Improvement Company Freight Receipt, dated 1890, February 14
Creator: California Navigation and Improvement Company
Description: California Navigation and Improvement Company freight receipt for shipping materials (steel) for the San Diego Cable Company onboard the Steamer City of Stockton from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 11 x 21 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Manifest No. 1, dated 1890, March 28
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company freight receipt for materials (steel cable) shipped for San Diego Cable Company onboard the Steamer Bonita from San Francisco to San Diego
Extent: 1 copy of a printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 18 x 22 cm.

Title: Pacific Coast Steamship Company Shipping Receipt, dated 1884, December 17
Creator: Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Description: Pacific Coast Steamship Company shipping receipt for materials (honey) shipped for Klauber & Levi Company onboard the Steamer Aneiri from San Diego to San Francisco for delivery to H. Schacht
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 21 x 12 cm.

A0236.3.23 and A0236.3.24
Title: Shipping and Payment Received Receipts: B. Herbert Fuller to William H. Swan, dated 1902, February 12
Creator: William H. Swan, Ship Chandler & Grocer
Description: two shipping lists of goods. A0236.3.23 lists food items and A0236.3.24 consists of miscellaneous supplies. The documents include dates, descriptions of items, itemized cost and total cost. The receipts are signed by W. H. Swan.
Extent: 2 printed paper documents with handwritten entries (4 pages), physical dimensions measure 35 x 22 cm.

A0236.4 Series IV – Correspondence (1865-1889)

Title: Correspondence: from Ephraim W. Morse to “Friend Jenkins” dated 1865, October 24
Creator: Ephraim W. Morse, local merchant and deputy sheriff of San Diego in 1866
Description: a letter from Ephraim W. Morse to “Friend Jenkins” describing copper rich deposits in and around southern California and San Diego and suggests a thorough exploration of the area.
Extent: 1 handwritten paper letter (1 page), physical dimensions measure 21 x 26 cm.

Title: Correspondence: written by Master Thomas Bowling, dated 1889, April 30
Creator: Thomas Bowling, Captain Euterpe/Star of India
Description: a letter from Captain Thomas Bowling of the Euterpe certifying his command and passage from one port to another for an unknown person, the copy appears to be incomplete with missing text; a name and address appear on the back of the document as shown below:
Mrs. G. A. M Lead (name hard to read)
3948-43 A Ave.
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Extent: 1 copy of a handwritten letter (1 page), physical dimensions measure 22 x 13 cm.

A0236.5 Series V – Receipts and Licenses (1904-1930)

Title: American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels: Receipt for Dues, dated 1904, October 3
Creator: American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels

In 1887 steamship pilots formed the American Brotherhood of Steamship Pilots. As the association began to grow and ship masters began to join the name of the union was changed to American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels in 1891. Today, the association is known as the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots and has almost 7,000 members. [De La Pedraja Tomán, René. A Historical Dictionary of the U. S. Merchant Marine and Shipping Industry: Since the Introduction of Steam. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. (1994)]

Description: receipt for dues paid to the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels by John Widerstrom in the amount of $10.00
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 9 x 16 cm.

Title: United States Department of Commerce Steamboat Inspection Service: License to Master of Sail Vessels of Over 700 Gross Tons, Serial Number 9630, dated 1930, January 3
Creator: United States Department of Commerce
Description: a license that certifies John Widerstrom as a “Master upon Sail Vessels of over 700 gross tons, and is hereby licensed to act as such for the term of five years from this date, upon the waters of any ocean” by the United States Local Inspectors, Steamboat Inspection Service for the District of San Francisco, California
Extent: 1 printed paper document with handwritten entries (1 page), physical dimensions measure 22 x 26 cm.

A0236.6 Series VI – Company Stationary and Check Samples (1999)

Title: Benson Lumber Company Stationary, no date
Creator: Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, California

Simon Benson began a Columbia River logging business in 1891 using oxen to transport logs to the mill. Beasts of burden were soon replaced by steam power. Benson was the first to successfully use steam power and by 1904 had built an eight mile railroad from his thousands of acres of timber to a lumber mill in Clatskanie, Oregon. The Benson Timber Company was the innovator of the raft of logs. A large number of logs, upwards of 6,000,000 linear feet were chained together and towed down the coast to San Diego for processing at the local sawmill. Benson sold his interest in the company to the Everson family in 1911, which continued doing business under the Benson name for two more decades. [Allen, Alice Benson. Simon Benson: Northwest Lumber King. Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, (1971).]

Description: one blank sheet of Benson Lumber Company stationary (letterhead bond), showing an engraved illustration of 207 foot logs on railroad trucks
Extent: 1 printed paper sheet of stationary (1 page), physical dimensions measure 28 x 22 cm.

Title: Benson Timber Company Check: A2501, no date
Creator: Benson Timber Company, Clatskanie, Oregon
Description: one blank Benson Timber Company check, with “VOID” written in the signature space, payable to the Bank of California, Portland, Oregon
Extent: 1 printed paper document (1 page), physical dimensions measure 9 x 22 cm.

Title: Benson Timber Company Stationary, no date
Creator: Benson Timber Company Stationary, Clatskanie, Oregon
Description: one blank sheet of Benson Timber Company stationary (letterhead bond), illustrated with a raft of logs being towed into the San Diego Channel at the top of the document
Extent: 1 printed paper sheet of stationary (1 page), physical dimensions measure 28 x 22 cm.

Title: Correspondence: To Oberlin J. Evenson, dated 1999, May 20
Creator: unknown (signature could be C. Brown or C. Benson, unreadable)
Description: the correspondence describes the Benson Lumber Company stationary, Benson Timber Company check and Benson Timber Company stationary in detail.
Archival History: attached to the correspondence is a handwritten document of provenance, dated 2002, May 1, which names Maggie Piatt of the Maritime Museum of San Diego as recipient of the items and briefly describes the ownership structure of the Benson companies’ majority owners, the Benson and Evenson families
Extent: 1 printed paper document (1 page), physical dimensions measure 28 x 22 cm. and 1 handwritten document (1 page), physical dimensions measure 30 x 21 cm.

A0236. 7 Series VII – Ephemera (1951)

Title: Pacific Mail Steamship Company Reduction in Rates Poster for the Steamship Senator, dated 1874, October 1 (reprint dated 1951)
Creator: Los Angeles Corral of “The Westerners” a reprint of an original document

The Westerners are a unique international fellowship of devotees to the lore and history of the American West. The organization has nearly a hundred local units in North America and Western Europe. Each is autonomous and is usually known as a “Corral” but their “brands” are registered by the “home ranch” at Tucson, Arizona, called Westerners International. Westerners helped to start the scholarly Western History Association at Santa Fe in 1961, with which it maintains a close relationship. [Case, Leland D. The Reader’s Encyclopedia of the American West, Edited by Howard R. Lamar, Harper & Row, (1977).]

Description: a poster by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company of San Francisco advertising a reduction in passenger travel and freight shipping rates onboard the Steamship Senator from San Francisco to San Diego with numerous stops in between
Extent: 1 reproduction of a printed paper poster (1 page), physical dimensions measure 45 x 28 cm.

American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels
Benson Lumber Company
Benson Timber Company
Bowling, Thomas
California Navigation and Improvement Company
California Steam Navigation Company
Central Pacific Railroad Company
Closson, John
Custom House of Bristol
Jackson, Andrew
Lentz, Martinson
Mark Goods: S.S.C.
Metropolitan Steamship Company
Morse, Ephraim W.
New Hampshire Fire and Marine Insurance Company
Pacific Coast Steamship Company
Pacific Mail Steamship Company
R. E. Raimond & Company
Southern Dispatch Line
State of Massachusetts
The Westerners
United States Department of Commerce
Widerstrom, John
William H. Swan, Ship Chandler & Grocer